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Emz Families- New Family: Sawyer Family

Monday, 24 November 2014

Hey guys! I'm doing another 100 baby challenge as the other one is being really slow. I hope to go back to the Bowens family at some point though so I won't give up on it.

So here we go... My sims name is Gianna Sawyer and she has moved into Twinbrook.

This is what her property looks like so far...

She is a self employed Artist and also writes books. 

So she has had one baby so far, who is currently a toddler. Her first childs name is Clara.

Clara father is the current Mascot Jebidiah Custer.

Gianna is currently expecting her next child/ children. 

More to follow soon.

Emz Families - Edmonds Family [Update #1]

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Hey guys! sorry i'm late updating! So here we go! the next part in my Sims 3 Legacy Saga!

So when I left off Alexandria was pregnant with her first child. She had a baby boy and named him Jackson.

He looks alot like his mother.

So since Jackson was born the house has been extended just a little.

There is now a bedroom for the children, which will eventually become perhaps and office as time goes on and more money comes in so the upstairs can extend. I am thinking about demolishing the house and starting again as there is so much room not touched yet but we will see.

So both Alexandria and Connor were promoted at work  so then they both thought it was time to try for another baby.

They were gifted with two more sons names Lucas and Austin.

The have their fathers hair colour and one has their mothers eyes colour and the other their fathers.

The house was tweaked a little again with the kitchen and living area being altered to make room for the cots. I also moved the crops to the back of the house to make it a little easier to tweak.

The kids are all growing up now as Jackson is a child and Lucas and Austin are toddlers.

 Alexandria will become an Adult soon. More updates soon!

Emz Families - New Family: Edmonds Family

Monday, 17 November 2014

Hey guys! So I am having a go at The Sims 3 Legacy Challenge. For rules check here.

The family name is Edmonds and you start with either a male or female. My Sims name is Alexandria Edmonds.

So she started off with roughly 16,000 ish simoleons and went down to 1,800 Simloeons when she moved into 15 Summer Hill Court in Sunset Valley.

So here we go! Here is Alexandria. 

So to start with she joined the Journalism Career. The house was a bit on the small side as she couldn't afford much.

Over time as she went to work a couple of times the house grew.

So a separate bathroom and kitchen were added and she bought a computer.

One of the rules of this challenge was they could only enter a relationship with a Sims 3 created sim and not one created by myself.

So Alexandria started a relationship with Connor Frio. They met at work as they both work in the Journalism Career.

When the relationship grew she asked Connor to move in with her. The household income then meant I could extend the bedroom.

They have recently gotten married and Alexandria is expecting their first child. 

 So I hope you enjoy the updates from this challenge. I may update later of tomorrow, we shall see!

Emz Families - Bowens Family [Update #6]

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Hey guys! apologies for the really late update! I've been having a few issues with this game as it keeps freezing then acting slow before working normally then going round again. 

So anyway the latest updates!

So, Louise is currently pregnant again.. she was rejected by a few guys and I thought of waiting till she became an adult but we still had time... 

Also Grace and Travis are now Children.

Grace now has the bookworm trait.

and Travis now has the Virtuoso trait.

Evelyn doesn't have many days left before she passes on so hopefully she can have some fun before that happens. 

Also 3 of the kids got in trouble for skipping school and 2 were grounded, which is interesting so they are currently on their best behaviour.

More updates coming soon on the main family. I'll update you all on her siblings soon!

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