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Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family [Update #11]

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Hey guys! Tess has had her final baby! I mean final as she had a baby girl! She is called Lisa and her father is Eric Lewis.

Paul is now a young adult! He hasn't moved out yet but hopefully he will soon.

The triplets and Lisa will age up soon to young adults and a child.

Rhys has now married Averie Brown and they are expecting their first child.

Till next time.

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family [Update #10]

Hey guys! So the latest changes are that bother Saul and Rhys have aged up. 

Saul aged up in the last post, but he has moved out and got married. His wife is Gabriela Redman.Gabriela is expecting their first child.

Rhys has also moved out, he is in a relationship with Averie Brown.

Brayden and Jessie are now children and are attending school.

Paul will soon be aging up into a young adult.

Tess is also Pregnant again and depending on the gender, hopefully this will be the last child.

Til next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family [Update #9]

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Hey guys! i'm finally posting again!

The kids are growing up quick!

So the triplets; Lily, Kimberly and Lewis, are now teenagers. They are doing well at School.

Elsewhere, Tess has had more babies! She gave birth to Twins: Brayden and Jessie. Their father is Don Lothario.

In other news... Saul is now a Young Adult! He is working in the catering career and wants to become a Mixologist.

Next to age up will be Rhys!

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Neilson Family [Update #4]

Friday, 15 May 2015

Hey guys! So I thought I'd update you on the kids in the A-Z Baby Challenge.

Now just to warn you there has been a big jump in time as I got carried away playing :)

So the original three: Adam, Ben & Catherine, have all moved out. They share a house together. , 

Adam is an Artist.

Ben works in the Business Career

 and Catherine is a Scientist.

Following them is Danielle. Last time I posted about her she was a baby.

As you can see she is now a teenager :) she is doing well at school and her aspiration is a Joke Star.

Following Danielle came Elliot. He is also now a Teenager.

His Aspiration is Nerd Brain.

Finally we have Freya. She is the youngest of the family. 

She is a child but will be aging up soon.

Both parents are now Adults.

Well thats all for now!

Till next time!

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family [Update #8]

Thursday, 14 May 2015


Hey guys! So Tess has just become an adult!

It's funny how different she looks with the CC hair!

Anyway She has now got a retail store to ass down the family!

I don't have an pictures yet but she is selling all sorts of things. Her main focus is her artwork.

Next to age up are the Triplets: Lily, Kimberly & Lewis.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family [Update #7]

Hey guys! post number 7!!!

So Lacey is now a child. 

Her aspiration is Artistic Prodigy and her trait is cheerful.

Also Paul has aged up! He is now a Teenager.

He aspiration is Master Mixologist and trait is Natural Cook. The trait that came with the aspiration is Essence of Flavor.

All of the other children are doing well at school. They all get on well.

Tess should be aging up soon.

Til next time

Emz x

The Sims 4: Luxury Party Stuff - Launch Date

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Hey guys! 

As was announced on the 6th May, there is a new pack coming soon.

The pack is called The Luxury Party Stuff.

The release date is currently set for next Tuesday 19th May. the US price is currently $9.99.

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family [Update #6]

Hey guys! Another update! 
Wow i'm Whizzing though this!

So Tess has had her 7th child! It's another girl!

Tess has named her youngest daughter Lacey. Her father is Lewis Goddard.

Also Rhys is now a teenager. 
His aspiration is to be a freelance Botanist and his new trait is At Peace. The trait that came with is collector.

All the other kids are doing well in school and most of them are in the top of their class.

Anyway, next time Lacey should be becoming a child and Paul should be becoming a teenager.

Also in the next couple of posts Tess should be becoming an adult.

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family [Update #5]

Hey all the triplets are now children!

Lily's aspiration is Whiz kid and trait is Cheerful.

Kimberly's aspiration is Artistic Prodigy and trait is At Peace.

Lewis' aspiration is Rambunctious Scamp and trait is Active.

The oldest child Saul is now a teenager. His aspiration is now Master Chef and new trait is Foodie. With the Aspiration also came the Essence of Flavour.

Rhys and Paul are doing well and Rhys will age up in 3 days.

And also Tess is pregnant again.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family [Update #4]

Hey all! So Tess has given birth again but this time she had a girl.... actually.. she had 2.. now wait a minute she had a boy as well.. that means she had triplets!

I only seem to have pictures of two not sure where the other picture went.. 

Anyway The names are, Lily, Kimberly & Lewis. Their father is Rafael Wilhelm.

Also Paul is now a child. His aspiration is Social Butterfly. his trait is Active.

Saul & Rhys are doing well in school. Saul will be aging up soon!

Till next time

Emz x

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