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Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family - Gen 3: Flashback #2 [Noah]

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Hey guys! Here we are with the second Flashback of Gen 3!

So Following Darcey, Aurora gave birth to twins. Noah and Milly.

Today we are looking at Noah's Family.

Noah has unfortunately passed away. 

He has 1 child with his wife Annalise Novak (nee Reeley)

A daughter called Kaitlin.

Kaitlin is a young adult now and is married to Logan Barnes.

She works in the Secret Agent Career

They are expecting their first child.

Next time will be Millys family.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family - Gen 3: Flashback #1 [Darcey]

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Hey guys!

So today we are flashing back a generation, to look at Indiana's siblings and their families.

In this post we are looking back at Darcey's family.

So Darcey is now an elder. When she moved out, she married Layton Sears

They have 1 child together. A daughter called Lila.

Lila has recently married Thomas Goodwin and they are expecting their first child.

Next time we will be looking at Noah's family.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #79]

Friday, 29 January 2016

Hey guys! 
Today is a post of mixed emotions from the Novak Household.

First of all we have had to say goodbye to Aurora.

She has sadly succumbed to her Old Age.

Just moment after witnessing her mother death, Indiana went into labour.

She have given birth to 3 very human looking babies... (read the last post to understand)

We now have Julia, Sasha and Georgia Novak.

My next posts will be about Indiana's siblings, so they will be up from tomorrow.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #78]

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Hey guys!

So Indiana is preganant again. The father is Esteban Neff

This may be interesting as he is an alien.. I was hoping not to have any alien babies.. but we shall have to see how this works out.

Also Bonnie is now a child.

Her trait is Outgoing.

Next time will be the birth of the next child in the Novak family.

After that I will be looking at Indiana's siblings and their families.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #77]

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Hey guys!
So Indiana has given birth to her second child.

She has had a baby girl called Bonnie.

Also Steven has aged up

He is a child. His trait is Active.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #76]

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Hey guys!

This is only a quick update.

Indiana is currently expecting her second child.

The father is Pablo Villareal.

In the next post she should give birth and Steven will age up.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #75]

Monday, 25 January 2016

Hey guys!

So we are underway with Indiana's Family!

She has given birth to her first child

She has had a boy boy called Steven.

She is not pregnant again yet but hopefully soon!

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #74]

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Hey guys! 

So, We have hit the 4th generation!

Indiana is expecting her first child. the father is Hugh Heller.

Also Aurora is now an Elder.

It honestly doesn't seen 5 minutes since she became a young adult!

Anyway! Next time we shall have a new baby!

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #73]

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Hey guys!

We are almost at the 4th Generation!

Indiana is now a young adult! Her trait is Family Oriented.

I will start Baby daddy hunting as soon as Aurora is an Elder, which won't be long at all!

Till next time guys!

Emz x

Sy's Sims 4 Vids: Townie Makeover #8

Friday, 22 January 2016

Yo sy here and finally I've uploaded my video of the Goth makeover XD

I've had it ready for awhile but so many other things I forgot but glad its up now

So I hope you all enjoy and hopefully I will have more sims stuff soon :)

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #72]

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Hey guys!

We are coming to the end of Aurora's family and will soon be starting Indiana's

So in the mean time the twins have aged up! They are both young adults!

Aprils new trait is outgoing. She is married to Clayton Kessler.

Mia's new trait is Creative. She is married to Ben McGregor.

Next time we will most likely see Aurora become an elder.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #71]

Hey guys!

So Matthew is now a young adult!

His new trait is Neat. He has married Danna Aquino. 
They are expecting their first child.

Also Indiana is now a teenager. 

Her new trait is Loves the Outdoors.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #70]

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Hey guys!

So the twins have aged up!

They are now teenagers!

April wants to be a best-selling author and her new trait is Music Lover.

Mia wants to be a joke star. Her new trait is Active.

Next time will hopefully be the ageing up of Matthew.

Till next time guys!

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #69]

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Hey guys!

So Savannah is now a young adult!

She has married Matteo Daley. He is the great grandson on Robin. His grandmother is Charlotte Novak. Strange how this happened....

Anyway they are expecting their first child.. should be interesting as he is part alien...

Thats it for now.. the ageing ups are a little random due due them getting an A grade in school..

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #68]

Monday, 18 January 2016

Hey guys!

So Zoe has now aged up

She is now a young adult. She has recently married Ellis Redd and they are expecting their first child.

Indiana has also aged up!

She is now a child! Her trait is Music Lover.

Till next time

Emz x

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