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Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #86]

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Hey guys!

So Indiana is now an Adult. I haven't really changed her, hence the lack of photo.

Also Bonnie is now a young adult.

She now has the Creative trait.

She is engaged to be married.

Next we shall see Bethany become a Teenager.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #85]

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Hey guys!

Massive update! I'm sick of being so far behind! 

So to catch up i'm going to update you on all the children so far.. including ones that I haven't mentioned yet.

I will not mention Bonnie as she has not yet aged up into a young adult. but here are the rest oldest to youngest.

 So the triplets are now teenagers.

Julia has the trait good to go with the gloomy trait. 
She wants to be a Musical Genius 

Sasha has the Loves the Outdoors trait now. 
She likes to be friendly and talkative.

Georgia has Music Lover trait.
She wants to start her own group.

Sebastian is now a teenager also.

He traits are music lover and Active.
He hopes to be a bestselling Author.

Following Sebastian is Bethany.

Her father is Roman Evans. Her trait is Art Lover.

Last but not least is Clara.

Her father is Jaxon Stover. Her trait is Loner.

So here we are! 

51 Children have now been born into the Novak Family!

49 to go guys!

Till next time and a big thank you for being patient!

Emz x

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