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Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #93]

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Hey guys! so alot has happened since the last post.
Clara is now a young adult!

She has moved out and stared her own family!
Owen and Ashlee are now Teenagers.

and Freya is a child.

Also Indiana has had twins called Rose and Ruby,

Their father is Lester Haas.

It shall remain to be seen whether she has any more or Ruby carries on the family.

In the next post I guess we shall see Summer become a young adult.

Till Then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #92]

Monday, 16 May 2016

Hey guys!

So we have a new member of the Novak Family!

Indiana gave birth to a baby girl called Freya.

Also, Summer is now a teenager.

Her trait is Bookworm and she is an Outdoor Enthusiast.

Next time we will see Freya age up.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #91]

Friday, 6 May 2016

Hey guys!

So more ageing up!

Bethany is now a young adult. Her trait is People Oriented

Owen is now a child His trait is Natural Cook

Ashlee is also a child. Her trait is Neat.

Indiana is pregnant again. The father is Kolby Busby

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #90]

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Hey guys!

So we have hit update 90! WOW! 

Thank you so much for following me on this journey.


Summer is now a child.

Her trait is Loves outdoors.

Also Indiana has given birth to twins. 

We have Owen and Ashlee Novak.

Till next time.

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #89]

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Hey guys!

Ageing up seems to be a big thing lately

Sebastian is a young adult. He is now starting a family of his own. 

Clara is now a teenager. 

Also Indiana is pregnant again. 
The father is Thomas Goodwin

'Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #88]

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Hey guys! 

Indiana has given birth to a baby girl.

She is called Summer.

In the next post Sebastian and Clara should be ageing up!

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #87]

Monday, 2 May 2016


Hey guys!

So we have another Teenager in the household.

Bethany is now a teenager.

She is currently a B grade in School.

Also the triplets have become young adults!

Julia's trait is family oriented.

Sasha's trait is Loves the outdoors.

Georgia's trait is Music Lover.

Next we shall see Indiana give birth to another child. 
The father is Logan Barnes

Till then

Emz x

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