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Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #124]

Friday, 20 January 2017

Hey guys! 

So we have another child ageing up!

Alexa is now a teenager.

Her new trait is sweet.

Also Avery is Pregnant again.

The father of the baby is Vikram Stover.

Next time we should have a new family member and also Dakota becoming a teenager.

Till Then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #123]

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Hey guys!

So sorry for not posting a while. Lifes been pretty busy..that and I had a bad cold over Christmas. Oh yeah! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Anyway! We have had an exciting update in the Sims 4. We finally have Toddlers! Which bring me to this family at long last.

First of all, Chelsea and Jason have moved out.

Jasmine has aged up, she is the youngest... but she is not a child... she's a toddler!

Isn't she adorable.. now expect a little troublemaker as she's very independent..  this should be fun.

Next time we should see Alexa age up!

Till then

Emz x

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