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Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Nielson Family [Update #8]

Friday, 31 July 2015

Hey guys! So Henry is now a child!

He is doing well at school and is a very friendly and cheerful child.

Gabriella is now a teenager. She wants to be a mixologist. She is also very creative.

The other Nielsons are doing well.

Elliot is a father to a little girl called Ariella.

Danielle is mother to twin boys, Minkz and Ali.

Catherine is a mother again. She now has a son called Robin, a sibling for her daughter MacKenzie.

Ben is now a father to twn girls, Cassandra and Ariana.

Adam is a father again, to another son called Dylan, sibling to Jonas.

Dakota is still an adult at the moment, she will age up soon.

Till next time

Emz x 

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Nielson Family [Update #7]

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Hey guys! New update!

So Dakota has given birth to her final child.

She has had a baby boy called Henry.

Also Elliot is now a Young Adult.

He has married Athena Walker and they are expecting their first child together.

Freya is now a young adult also, she will soon be moving out.

Quentin, who is the father, he is now an Elder. He also got a Promotion at work and is now an Executive Chef.

Next time: 

Aging up will be Dakota, Gabriella & Henry.

Till then 

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family - Flashback #3 [Paul]

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Hey guys! 

Another flashback here! Today we are looking at Paul's family. He married Michelle Milligan. They live with one of Tess eldest daughters, Lily, well her husband and children.

The picture above is him as a young adult. Sadly he passed on before I could get a picture of him as an elder. He is Succeeded by 4 daughters.

Lexi Reaves

Lexi is Pauls Eldest child. She works in the Secret Agent Career.

Melinda Reaves

Melinda is the oldest of the Triplets. She works in the Athletic Career.

Janie Reaves

Janie is the second youngest. She works in the Education Career.

Sheena Reaves

Sheena works in the Entertainer Career. She is the Youngest of Paul's daughters.

Next week will be Lily's family.

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Nielson Family [Update #6]

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Hey guys!

It's been way over a month since I last updated with the Neilson Family.

So we shall begin with the newest member of the family.

Dakota gave birth to a baby girl, she called her Gabriella.

As of now Gabriella is a child and is very creative.

Danielle is now a young adult. She is married to Stuart Westfall and they currently expecting a baby.

Ben is now married. He married Raelynn Parsons. They currently awaiting the arrival of their first child.

Catherine is expecting her second child. Mackenzie her daughter is now a child.

Adams and his wife Kayla are also expecting their second child.

Next time Dakota will give birth to her definite final child. This baby will carry on the family as soon as it is old enough.

Elliot will be aging up into a young adult very soon, Shortly to be followed by Freya.

Dakota and Quentin will also soon be Elders.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Famililes: Reaves Family [Update #25]

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Hey guys!

So Lisa has had two more children. She has had two girls called Emily and Rachel.

Their father is Jonathan Aldridge.

Hannah is now a Teenager. She has the Big Brained trait. She completed her childhood Aspiration.

Also a little bit of sad news. We have had to say goodbye to Saul. 

Saul was the oldest sibling of Lisa and the first born of Tess.

His family continues with 3 daughters (Peyton, Tia & Leanna), a son (Zachary) and 1 grandchild (Eli.)

Also we have said goodbye to Rhys. (For some reason I can't post the picture.)

Saul was the second oldest and second born.. His family continues with 2 sons and a grandson.

Finally Lisa is now a grandmother. Zoe and Scott are now parents.

Zoe has a daughter called Shanice Schmid and Scott had a Son called Corbin Reaves.

Thats all for now. In the next post we will see the twins (Emily and Rachel) become children and Naomi become a young adult.

Till next time.

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Famililes: Reaves Family [Update #24]

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Hey Guys! It's been longer than planned since my last proper update.

I had a few issues in the game.

So Alec is now a young adult. He has moved out and married Quinn Calloway. His first love left him at the alter.

Naomi is now a teenager, she now has the at peace trait.

In other news, Zoe and Scott have got married. Zoe is expecting her first child with her husband.Johan Schmid.

 Scott's wife Joy Reaves (Nee Puckett), is also expecting.

Next to age up will be Hannah.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family - Flashback #6 [Rhys]

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Hey guys! Here is the Second Flashback! 
We are looking at the second born of Tess, Rhys.

Above is Rhys when we last mentioned him. 
He married Averie Brown. They have two Sons.

Here is Rhys now. It's sad to see the kids becoming elders.

Maxwell is the first of Rhys' two sons. He is Married to Joelle Crocker and they have 1 child called Denzel.

Valentino is the second of Rhys' Sons. He still lives at home currently but I think he has his eye on someone.

Sorry this is short but I wanted to get this out before Monday arrives.

Next time will be Paul.

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family - Flashback #1 [Saul]

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Hey guys! So i'm going to be starting a Flashback on the kids of Tess Reaves and their families.

I'm excluding Lisa for obvious reasons, so I thought I would start with Saul.

So this is Saul as a Teenager. This is the last picture I took of him before he aged up and moved out.

This is Saul now.

So as I mentioned in the last post he was in, Saul married Gabriella Redman. They have 4 children. 1 older daughter and triplets.

So we shall start with the eldest, Peyton.

Peyton Reaves

Peyton is a young adult. She wants a big family. She is a Bookworm, Goofball and Creative.

Next we have the triplets. Zachary, Tia and Leanna.

Zachary Reaves

Zachary wants to be a Musical Genius. He is Sweet, Clumsy and Naive.

Tia Reaves

Tia wants to be a Freelance Botanist. She is a Geek, Clumsy and a Perfectionist.

Leanna Reaves

Leanna also wants to be a Musical Genius. She is Cheerful, Naive and a Perfectionist.

As you can see the girls have inherited a few traits from Saul and also appearance... The Landgraab traits are showing through.

I will post these every Sunday, for each of Tess' children. ending with Brayden.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Famililes: Reaves Family [Update #23]

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Hey guys! So due to a few issues with my game.. I've had to age up Lisa, Zoe and Scott.

It didn't seem to like the extra family member, as it was outside the 8 member household. It even deleted Hannah Reaves, so I had to remake her :(

Anyway here is Lisa as an adult. 

Here are Zoe and Scott. I can't remember the new traits though.

In other news.. the triplets have aged up!

 Kaitlyn is cheerful. But still has lots of energy to burn.

 Kyle is a bit naive. He tells people alot of things, but doesn't seem to realize when to stop talking. 

Louisa is a bookworm and a Whiz Kid so she prefers to read a good book, then run around outside.

Well thats it for now.... the kids should be aging up soon, (Louisa and Hannah)

Till next time

Emz x

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