Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Reaves Family - Flashback #3 [Paul]
Sunday, 26 July 2015
Hey guys!
Another flashback here! Today we are looking at Paul's family. He married Michelle Milligan. They live with one of Tess eldest daughters, Lily, well her husband and children.
The picture above is him as a young adult. Sadly he passed on before I could get a picture of him as an elder. He is Succeeded by 4 daughters.
Lexi Reaves
Lexi is Pauls Eldest child. She works in the Secret Agent Career.
Melinda Reaves
Melinda is the oldest of the Triplets. She works in the Athletic Career.
Janie Reaves
Janie is the second youngest. She works in the Education Career.
Sheena Reaves
Sheena works in the Entertainer Career. She is the Youngest of Paul's daughters.
Next week will be Lily's family.
Emz x
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