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Sy's Sims 4 Vids: Townie Makeover #7

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Yo Sy here and I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas :)

So I'm almost at the end of my makeovers for awhile I've only got this one (Roomies) and the Goths, then once more suitable clothes have came out I will then be making over the new families from Get Together

Now this is actually one of two Roomie makeovers as this is a winter version due to Christmas and I will be doing a more normal one once I've uploaded the Goths make over

So for now I hope you enjoy this makeover :)

Merry Christmas From Simtastic Times!

Friday, 25 December 2015

Hey guys! 

Just to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, from all of us at Simtastic Times!

More posts will be up soon and new stuff coming your way in the New Year!

Thank you all for visiting us this Year and we hope you enjoy what's to come!

Bring on 2016!!!

Emz, Sy and Zee x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #60]

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Hey guys! 

So Scarlett is now a young adult.

She has moved out of home.

Zoe is now a child, Her trait is Neat. She is yet to start school/

No more pregnancies as yet.

So, the total so far:

Robin: 14
Lydia: 14
Aurora: 10

Total: 38 children!

that means I have 62 left!

Well.. till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Famillies: Novak Family [Update #59]

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Hey guys!

So, whilst i have been waiting for Scarlett to become a young adult, I was suprised by the ageing up of Veronica.

She is now a teenager! Her new trait is Materialistic.

Next time we shall see Scarlett and Zoe age up.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #58]

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Hey guys!

Aurora has given birth to her next child.

She has given birth to a baby girl named Zoe.

Next time we shall see Scarlett become a young adult and possibly Aurora become an Adult.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #57]

Monday, 21 December 2015

Hey guys!

So two off Aurora's children have aged up into Teenagers. Kira and Liam, the twins.

Kira's new trait is Hipster. She is a Grade B Student at School.

Liam's new trait is Foodie. He is a Grade B Student at School also.

Also Aurora is expecting her next child. The father is Marcus Flex.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #56]

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Hey guys! 

Sorry for the lack of updates over the last few days, i've not been well.

Anyway. I have exciting news on this family!

Katherine has now become a child.

Her trait is insider and due to the new EP, she has joined the Avant Gardes Club. She is their youngest member.

Aurora has given birth to her yougest child! She has had a baby boy called Jared. His father is Bjorn Bjersen.

Next time hopefully she will be expecting again and possibly another one of her children ageing up.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #55]

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Hey guys! So no new baby but the other children are ageing up!

The twins Milly and Noah are becoming young adults!

Since I had to alter all my mods to fix an issue, Milly's traits are now Creative, Neat and Perfectionist.

Noah's traits are: Materialistic, Geek and Dance Machine.

Next time we shall see Scarlett become a teenager and hopefully Katherine age up.

Till then

Emz x

Zee Tay Longheart Family 100 baby challenge #9

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Hello and welcome to the sims 4 100 baby challenge. If you haven't been reading my other post we have the Longheart family. The main person in this family is Annie. So far she had four children.
Even though she is finding it really hard to find the next person to help her to have more children, and she really need to find one soon as she going to age up to a adult soon.

Speaking of Aging up Annie first born Alice has aged up to a beautiful young teen. She has 100% taken after her mother in looks. 

In the next post we see Justin age up to a teen as well as Annie becoming an adult.

In the mean time though keep simming

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #54]


Hey guys!

So when we left off Aurora's youngest, Veronica had become a child.

Well Aurora has just given birth to a baby girl. This is her 8th child.

She has called her daughter Katherine. Katherine's father is Raylan Clark.

During her pregnancy, Aurora decided to try to keep fit by dancing. 
She loves to bust out some moves.

Milly and Noah decided to cool off from school with a dance battle.

Next time we shall see the twins, Milly and Noah become young adults.

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family [Update #53]

Monday, 14 December 2015

Hey guys!

We are finally back on Aurora's family!

So when we left off, Aurora had given birth to her 7th child called Veronica.

Veronica is now a child and has the genius trait.

Also Aurora's first child Darcey is now a young adult.

She has recently moved out.

Also just to let you know I am having a few teething problems with my game/ mods since I installed Get Together. i am working my way through them so hopeflly I will work out the issues.

Anyway next time we will be looking at whether Aurora has been able to have another child.

Til then

Emz x

Zee Tay Longheart 100 baby challenge #8

Hello and welcome to post 8 with the Longheart 100 baby chellenge and thankfully we are still with Alice's family.
Since the last time Alice is still hunting for the next man. So she can bare his child.

Also  since last time Jessica and Cossett has aged up to a child. They are the child of Alex Couple.

This is Jessica she is a book lover 

And this is Cossett She is the has the genies of the family

Zee Tay Longheart 100 baby challenge #7

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Hello and Welcome, it Zee Tay with update number 7.
In the last update i said Annie was expecting her 3rd child, but to my surprise she gave birth to a pair of healthy twins. It was a set of girls called Jessica and Cossett, which I think will really suit them. It be interesting as I never raised a pair of twins before.  

Until next time keep simming

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family - Gen 2: Flashback #13 [Carmen]

Hey guys! Here is the final Flashback.

We are looking at the family of Kerrie's twin sister, Carmen.

Carmen is now an adult. She is married to Bryce Shoemaker. They have 1 Son.

Tomas is an only child. He is a Teenager an attends High School. 

Thats it for this Generation of Flashbacks!

Back to Aurora's Family!

Till then 

Emz x

Zee Tay Longheart's 100 baby challenge #6

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Zee Tay here and welcome to The Longheart's 100 baby Challenge
Finally Annie is expecting her third child. The father of her child is Alex Couple, and I hope that in the next post we will see what the name of the baby and she will meet the father of the next child.

Zee Tay Longheart's 100 baby challenge #5

Zee Tay here again with an update of the Longheart's 100 baby chellenge. I am sorry that I haven't posted the past couple of days I've been really busy with stuff. 
Since the last post Annie still isn't pregnet yet with baby number 3 but she is still hunting for a guy, who is willing to impregnate her, with his child. Time will only tell to say who child it will be.

Alice have been making friends at school, as well as becoming really close to her father Johnny and her brother Justin.

Justin finally aged up to a cute little boy, who I hope that he will grow up to be the same. He got the good trait. 

Hopefully in the next post Annie will be expecting her third child, but in the mean time please keep simming.

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Novak Family - Gen 2: Flashback #12 [Kerrie]

Hey guys! This is the last flashback but one for this Generation!

We are looking at the eldest of Lydia's second lot of twins, Kerrie!

Kerrie is married to Raiden Bradshaw. They have 1 son called Camden.

Camden is a teenager. He is Grade C at High School. He is People oriented and Self Assured.

Next up is Carmen's Family.

Till then

Emz x

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