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Emz Families - New Family: Bowens Family

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Hey guys so the last family that I was going to try to do the 100 baby challenge with got tricky as the mother was a Fairy which meant she was going to outlive her children... well most of them. I will still work on that but not to the extent of really getting stuck in.

Also to be aare this will be different to the actual challenge all over Youtube as I don't have filming equipment and Ii wanted to tweak it to my liking.

So I introduce to you the Bowens Family.

Evelyn Bowens of the main member of the family. Her traits include, Virtuoso, Natural Cook, Bookworm, Great Kisser and Family Orientated.

Then we have the 1st of her children: Amelia Bowens

Amelia is now a toddler, her Father is Holden Blanc-Wozny (Wozny before marriage). Her traits so far are: Virtuoso and Clumsy.

Evelyn is currently pregnant with her next child/ children so coming soon.


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