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Emz Families: Bartley Family [Update #6]

Monday, 27 April 2015

So here we go! another update!

So Eva recently added to the family.

She had twins called: Rachel & Zachary

(Rachel has dark hair and Zachary is Blond) Their father is Jeramie Swartz, he is the Repair Man.

Now onto the aging up! 

Teresa is now a child. Her traits are currently, Hydrophobic, Artistic and Friendly.

Angelica and Kirsten are now teenagers. 

Kirsten now has the nurturing trait.

More updates coming soon! hopefully with the younger twins as toddlers and maybe Alexander Graduating and starting his own family.

Till next time

Emz x

Emz Families: Bartley Family [Update #5]

Saturday, 25 April 2015

I'm so sorry i've not updated this family in a while, my game has been lagging quite alot! I am also playing the Sims 4 but I promise I will finish my Let's Plays for TS3 also.

So anyway there is a big jump in Eva's family. She now has 4 kids.

Alexander Bartley

Alexander is now a teenager. He is doing well in school, but you know boys.. they like their video games.

Kirsten & Angelica

Kirsten and Angelica are twins. Their father is Evan Potts-Richmond.  Kirsten's lifetime wish is to become a Well Renowned Surgeon.


Teresa is Eva's youngest. she is currently a toddler but should be aging up soon. He father is Adam Jarvis.

Hoping to find the next father soon and to have a new update.

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Neilson Family [Update #3]

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Hey i'm back with the next update!! 

So, Dakota has had another baby! Another baby girl. She is called Danielle.

She is easier for Dakota and Quentin to look after as there is only her! The triplets enjoy having her around. 

The triplets are all doing well in school, they have not got into any trouble. They are all currently getting a Grade B.

Hopefully the next post will be Dakota next pregnancy and Danielle as a child!

Till then

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Neilson Family [Update #2]

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

After getting through the terrible sleepless nights with the triplets, they are now children!

Adam has the Artistic Prodigy aspiration and the cheerful trait.

Ben has the Social Butterfly aspiration and the active trait.

Catherine has the Whiz Kid aspiration and the good trait.

More babies on the way soon, and i'll keep you updated with the family as they go along!

Until Then!

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Neilson Family [Update #1]

Hey guys! post number 2 for this A-Z Baby Let's Play! I will use only Dakota's image for these posts.

Anyway! lets get started! to begin with... Dakota has given birth... but to not one... not two... but THREE babies! That's right Triplets!!!

So obviously I have to follow the alphabet so:

The first born is a baby boy named Adam (baby on the left)

The second born is also a baby boy called Ben (the one on the right)

The third born is a baby girl called Catherine.

As you can imagine handing one baby will be hard, but handling 3 will be very difficult! So Dakota will not be trying for another baby until the babies are children.

Until next time

Emz x

Emz 'Sims 4' Families: Neilson Family

Monday, 20 April 2015

Hey guys! new lets play! It's my first for the Sims 4! So this is the A-Z Baby Challenge I have seen many people do this so I thought I would have a go.

So meet Dakota & Quentin Neilson. A young married couple who love food and can't wait to start a family. Dakota is unemployed an Quenton works in the Cooking Career.

Dakota's Aspiration is Soulmate and traits are Alluring (came with Soulmate), Creative, Neat and Foodie.

Quentin's Aspiration is Masterchef and traits are Essence of Flavour (came with Masterchef), Cheerful, Loves the Outdoors and Goofball.

Dakota is currently pregnant and due to give birth at any time! So after this first birth feel free to leave me any name ideas in the comments,

I'll be back soon with the next instalment.

Until then....

Emz x

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